Thursday, November 12, 2009

Oh hoy, well its been nice and fun, but we have to get the show on the road.

We are on the last leg of getting the truck ready, and tomorrow its a big day back at her :)

I am writing this from Uli's house, getting right shitterd as I speak lol.

We are working at a shop doing grunt work. Its our last days here, so the owner is letting me go to town in the shop.

so here is what I have fabricated, its later on in the evening now and I wasn't able to take pictures of the Rack on my truck, but I will later.

Roof rack before:

Donny fabbing up the little rack

Almost the final product, I will post pictures of it added to the truck

Made me feel good, we have a roof rack tent' and this rack had to be modified to be able to fit with the roof tent. So in essence they work together, kinda like the Care Bears. Flufffy dooo minooooooo